
The Importance of Shisha Cover

The Importance of Shisha Cover

The Importance of Shisha Cover

In recent years in the world of hookah smoking, many new tools and accessories have emerged that will improve the smoking sessions of the hookah so that it brings a touch of elegance and quality. Shisha cover emerges as a key element of these tools developed so that it plays a prominent role in optimizing the smoking sessions of the shisha despite the simplicity of its design. It is of great importance, which makes it play an important role in the rituals of hookah smoking. In this article we will learn about the shisha cover and then talk about its importance through the following points:

  • What is hookah cover?
  • Benefits of shisha cover
  • Types of shisha cover
  • Comparison between shisha with cover and no cover: which is better?
  • What is hookah cover?

In fact, the shisha cover is a metal cover that is placed over the head of the shisha or the holder on which the coal is placed. This cover has the excellent ability to control the coal temperature and distribute it appropriately and evenly, reflecting directly on the quality of hookah smoking and the resulting honey flavor.

  • Benefits of shisha cover

For the use of shisha cover, the most important benefits are:

  • Improved heat control: It is one of the most important roles of the hookah cover for which it is used, so that the hookah cover contributes to the distribution of the hookah heat and control of the heat generated by coal. The shisha cover helps distribute the heat from the charcoal towards the molasses in the head evenly, which can maintain the temperature stability bug and balance the burning of the molasses without exaggeration.
  • Preserving the flavor of the molasses: The hookah cover helps preserve the original flavor of the molasses, thanks to the perfect heat distribution, as the perfect and balanced heat distribution prevents the excess combustion of the molasses which prevents the change of the taste of the molasses or the appearance of undesirable changes to the flavor of the molasses.
  • Protection from Wind and External Factors: Shisha cover is a barrier that protects coal from ambient wind in the atmosphere, which may cause coal to extinguish or reduce its heat, negatively affecting the quality of shisha smoking sessions.
  • Increased coal life: Shisha cover contributes to prolonging the life of charcoal used to smoke shisha thanks to its role in blocking ambient air from shisha head, reducing users’ need to replace coal frequently.

• Types of shisha cover

Some may sometimes wonder if there are any types of shisha cover? And what are the types of hookah cover? We will give you the following healing answer:

In fact, there are multiple types of hookah cover, each of which varies according to the design and materials used in its manufacture. There are types of cover made of light aluminum, including what uses heavy copper in its industry.

According to the design, shisha cover is also different, including light-styled shisha cover and other types with decorated and ornate designs in artistic forms that add a touch of beauty and elegance to the shisha smoking sessions.

• Shisha with a cover and no cover: which is better?

First: Heat Control

  • Shisha cover: Shisha cover directly helps in the process of distributing heat evenly. This balanced combustion of the molasses in the head of the hookah reduces the burning of the molasses excessively or inadequately adversely affects the flavor of the molasses during smoking.
  • Shisha without cover: Heat control if shisha cover is dispensed can be somewhat difficult, that is, it is possible that the molasses is exposed to excess heat, the molasses burns rapidly, changing the flavor of the molasses.

Second: Quality of flavor and smoke

  • Shisha cover: The shisha cover contributes to improving the quality of the flavor of the molasses and the taste caused by its smoking when drawing smoke, and the shisha cover also contributes to improving the smoke density resulting from the withdrawal of the molasses breath. The flavor of the molasses is more stable, quality and authentic along with the density and smoothness of the smoke, enhancing the experience of smoking shisha.
  • Shisha without cover: When dispensing with the shisha cover, the flavor of the molasses may be affected as a result of the lack of ideal heat distribution. What may result in users feeling undesirable changes in the taste of the molasses as well as that smoke becomes less dense over time.

Protection against external factors

  • Shisha cover: Shisha cover provides effective protection from the surrounding wind and other external factors that may affect coal. Open-space coal acts as a barrier that protects coal from cooling its heat or extinguishing it by ambient air.
  • Shisha without cover: When smoking shisha in open spaces without using shisha cover, this can negatively affect charcoal. The ambient air may extinguish the charcoal or reduce its heat, thereby negatively affecting the session of smoking shisha.

Coal consumption

  • Shisha cover: The use of shisha cover extends the life of coal by preserving the heat of coal used in the shisha head which reduces the user’s need to replace coal.
  • Shisha without cover: When cutting out shisha cover, it may be required to repeatedly increase the replacement of charcoal, thereby reducing the efficiency of the shisha smoking session.

In conclusion, it is not possible to deny the importance of hookah in improving the smoking sessions. The hookah cover is not only a metal cover or just an accessory added to the hookah, it is a tool that prominently contributes to enhancing the quality of smoking the hookah and maintaining the flavor of the molasses.

It is important to advise you at the end of this article to experience the exceptional flavors of Debaj Molasses. Debaj factory uses the best natural tobacco in the world in the manufacture of the luxury Debaj molasses with natural ingredients and extracts to produce authentic and concentrated flavors that last as long as possible without undesirable change in its flavors.

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