
The importance of the protection placing on the head of the molasses

The importance of the protection placing on the head of the molasses

The importance of the protection placing on the head of the molasses

The importance of the protection placing on the head of the molasses

Shisha has recently become common in social sessions and gatherings, especially among youth groups. With the prevalence of smoking hookah and molasses, the ideas of users and manufacturers of hookah have expanded, with manufacturers and users also including an important list of tools that will keep the flavor of the hookah molasses as it is, without undesirable change in the flavor of the tobacco or molasses. These tools, which are supplementary to the hookah, are numerous. 

In this article we are in the process of identifying the protection placed on the head of molasses, which is one of the most important tools used in smoking the molasses across the hookah, helping to stabilize the taste of the molasses and preserve the coal for as long as possible. Through the following main points:

  • What is the protection placed on the head of the shisha?
  • What purpose of protection is placed on the head of the shisha?
  • What is the importance of putting the protection on the head of molasses?
  • How to put the protection on the head of the molasses?
  • What is the protection placed on the head of the shisha?

A piece of metal that is used as a barrier between coal and molasses. The protection placed on the hookah head is usually made of stainless steel or aluminum so that it is placed directly above the head of the hookah or aluminum paper directly.

  • The main purpose of protection, which is placed on the head of shisha

The protection is placed on the head of the hookah with the aim of distributing heat evenly to the coal, as well as reducing direct contact between the coal and the molasses, which helps prevent the burning of molasses quickly which keeps the flavor of molasses for longer.

The protection also reduces the amount of cinder falling on the molasses, and greatly helps keep the hookah clean.

  • The importance of putting the protection on the head of the molasses

One of the important tools used by hookah lovers in smoking the molasses through the hookah is the following:

  1. Temperature control: When coal is placed on the protection rather than on the head of the molasses directly or on the aluminum paper, this will help control the temperature of the coal and the molasses, so that the protection evenly distributes heat on the head of the molasses, which prevents the burning of the molasses quickly ensuring the user a better smoking experience.

2. Improve the flavor of the molasses: When the protection is used, it prevent the molasses from direct burning, which keeps the flavor of the molasses and its original taste for as long as possible, due to the smooth interaction between the molasses and coal heat.

3. Coal saving: The use of protection when placed on the head of the molasses reduces coal consumption due to the adequate distribution of heat protection on the head of the molasses. Which means that coal can be used in lower quantities and get the same level of coal performance quality.

4. Preserving the head of the molasses: Using the protection by placing it on the head of the hookah would extend the period of the head of the hookah, as the protection would protect the head of the hookah from damage caused by direct coal heat when the coal is placed directly on the head of the hookah.

5. Protect the molasses from drought: The protection helps keep the molasses as hydrated as possible for longer periods. By reducing direct contact between coal and the molasses, this reduces the chances of the molasses drying out quickly, allowing users to experience smoking that lasts as long as possible and with a better taste.

6. Increasing the session period: Placing the protection on the head of the molasses may increase the period of the shisha smoking session by distributing coal evenly on the head of the hookah. The molasses does not come into contact with the coal directly. This works to sustain the molasses for longer periods without undesirable changes in the flavor of the hookah molasses.

7. Reduce bad odors: When placing the protection on the head of the molasses, it reduces bad odors that may result from unevenly burning the molasses so that it better controls the temperature of the coal and the molasses. This reduces the likelihood of unequal burning of the molasses, reducing the production of smoke and unwanted odors.

  • How is the protection placed on the head of the molasses?

Protection is placed on the head of the molasses with the aim of ensuring the quality of the smoking experience of the molasses, which includes some basic steps, including:

  1. Prepare the molasses head: by filling the hookah head with the preferred molasses or tobacco, so that the molasses is placed evenly in the hookah head, while avoiding excessive pressure on the hookah head, in order to allow the air to flow well.

2.  Use aluminum paper to cover the head: When finishing placing the protection on the head of the hookah the top of the head of the hookah is covered using aluminum paper making sure the aluminum is tightened well around the edges of the hookah head. The needle is then used to puncture aluminum paper to allow air flow evenly.

3. Placing the protection: After preparing the head of the shisha and filling it with the molasses and then putting the aluminum paper appropriately, the protection is placed on the head of the molasses making sure that the protection is stable and well held over the head of the shisha.

4. Add coal: The coal is well ignited so that it becomes glowing color. Coal is then placed and distributed above the protection, paying attention to the distribution of coal over the protection evenly to ensure that heat and air flow are evenly distributed.

In recent years, some of the modern designs have emerged to put on the head of the molasses, which has included some additional features such as airflow control, improved heat management and easing with the aim of improving the experience of smoking shisha.

In conclusion, we invite you to use Debaj Luxurious Molasses in its many flavors. Debaj Molasses provides many of the proudest and best flavors of the molasses that have a consistent taste for the longest periods. We emphasize that the most important features of Debaj Molasses is that Debaj Molasses uses the best and finest raw materials in the Debaj Molasses industry, where Debaj Molasses company uses the best natural ingredients to get the best flavors of the molasses.

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