
Everything you need to know about molasses Original Flavors.

Everything you need to know about molasses Original Flavors.


Molasses original flavors are the most searched flavors of all the time, because for many people shisha means original molasses flavors. That’s why we will talk about original flavors that you should try with your friends and family. Keep on reading.

  • What is molasses and how does it work?
  • Facts about molasses 
  • Best molasses original flavors 

What is molasses and how does it work? 

Molasses is a product that actually represents a wide and old culture aspect, usually used to make the shisha work. Molasses is made from tobacco, glycerin and natural products (fruits and herbs) as flavors. 

Molasses industry has been developed through past years, and produced tens of different flavors that suit everyone’s tastes and needs. Therefore, you can today choose molasses boxes as a proper gift especially for Shisha lovers.

Speaking of gifts, you can simply buy a package of molasses the one that comes with unlimited flavors, and give it to your friends with good quality coal.  That’s how you prepare the best duet to enjoy one of the most unique shisha sessions. 

Facts about molasses 

Well, now you know what is molasses and how it works, you need to know few more things about this magical mixture of molasses: 

  • Molasses first appeared in India and moved to other oriental societies.
  • The main ingredient in molasses is tobacco leaves mixed with glycerin or honey. 
  • The importance of molasses is way more than a product used for shisha, it is one of the unique cultural aspects that reflects traditions and culture. 
  • You can add many flavors to your molasses by using herbs or natural ingredients, so you can add your own touch and create your own world.
  • Molasses come with many different flavors that you can enjoy during summer or winter season, depending on molasses ingredients. Which make it a great company to your happy occasions. 

Best molasses original flavors 

We, at Debaj factory, have been working on our products to give you unforgettable shisha experience. And here is a list of best molasses original flavors to try as soon as possible: 

mint is the only ingredient you need to bring freshness to your life. With its bright color and strong scent, mint can take you to another place where calmness and happiness are. We, at Debaj factory, have carefully selected the finest types of mint from the best farms that grow it, to introduce to you the finest and most refreshing Flavor. Order it now and make your shisha session lasts longer. 

If You are looking for a stronger and long-lasting molasses flavor, then you should try Debaj Molasses lemon flavor. This flavor is especially made for those who like to live the European dream, because with this kind of flavors you will find yourself in Italy without even moving out of your home. 

watermelon flavor is all you need to enjoy summer days, because of the sweetness of watermelon that will spread cool vibes around you heart and home as well. The watermelon flavor from Debaj is full of sweetness, at the same time it has the most attractive, strong and long-lasting taste. Order now before it’s too late.

we At Debaj factory created gum molasses flavors for those who look for fun in every corner. And because we believe that remembering childhood memories are the best way to relax, we bring you this flavor. Debaj Molasses packages with Gum flavor were made carefully and with skilled hands, specialized in the Debaj Molasses Factory, which is equipped with the latest equipment to offer you the best types of molasses

we Can’t talk about original molasses flavors without mentioning two apple flavor, this perfect mixture of molasses could change any game. The balance of flavor and the strong scent work together to tell the world about shisha story!

Enjoy special moments with Debaj Molasses with Two Apple flavor, that made carefully in the fully equipped Debaj Molasses factory, using the latest machines, to offer you the finest types of hookah.

Lemon Mint Flavor is another original molasses flavor you can try, to make sure that you live the shisha experience to the maximum. And because of the clever mixture of lemon and mint, you will enjoy happy moments with your family and friends. Choose what you need and book before it runs out of stock.

In Conclusion, molasses original Flavors work perfectly with other shisha equipment to create the most unique and perfect moments. You can try Debaj Molasses products and order them, to find the happiness you have been working on for a long time. 

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